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  • IT service Low-flow services Support services Hot selling services IT service Low-flow services Support services Hot selling services IT service Low-flow services Support services Hot selling services

      1. Personnel department

It is a group that performs the functions of forming a professional staff, including the selection, recruitment, accounting, appointment, and dismissal of personnel.

      2. Finance department

“Stark Technology” LLC is an institution that organizes the financing of parts and departments, forecasting of budget and extra-budgetary indicators, determination of wages and payments, accounting, methodical organization and reporting of accounting, control and inspection work.

      3. Sales department

– Determines the enterprise’s sales activity, the amount of the enterprise’s profit and the level of its ratio to the incurred expenses, the volume of sales and the market share of the enterprise, the attitude of consumers to the enterprise’s products and other necessary conditions.

      4. Software department

It is a structural unit that ensures the uninterrupted operation of computer classes, system and application software, technical equipment (systems) and the Internet, participates in the development and implementation of new software, and educates customers in this area and provides methodical assistance to them.

      5. Weak-flow systems installation and technical support department

It organizes the design, installation and system testing of all types of FO, Data, Telephone and CCTV, Information Technology works.

      6. Legal department

The purpose of the Legal Department is to ensure compliance with the law and protection of its legal interests in “Stark Technology” LLC. In addition, the Legal Department reviews the contracts and projects prepared by “Stark Technology” LLC in accordance with the requirements of the law, and if necessary, participates in their preparation.

      7. Internal control department

Internal control of the activities of “Stark Technology” LLC, including the study and control of internal discipline in departments and units, the state of work attendance, the level of communication with customers, identifying and ensuring that appropriate measures are taken against employees who commit actions that damage the reputation of the company. is the implementing institution.

      8. Supply department

“Stark Technology” LLC is an institution that provides special equipment and tools, as well as other material and technical resources.

      9. Secretariat department

“Stark Technology” LLC is an organization that organizes work with documents and electronic office.

      10. Training department

It is the group that organizes the work of improving the professional quality and skills of the personnel, teaching them the practical application of the acquired theoretical knowledge, especially holding special training courses and providing the personnel with certificates according to international standards.

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